Advanced Features Blog Post

New in July: Round Robin Assignment, Thank You Detection, and More

We're excited to introduce three new features: Round Robin Assignment, "Thank You" Detection, and significant Improvements to Workflows. These features are designed to streamline your support processes, distribute workloads evenly, and enhance your team's productivity.

Cody Duval

Last updated: July 13, 2024

4 mins read

At Keeping, we are constantly working to improve our platform and provide you with the tools you need to manage your customer support efficiently. This July, we’re excited to introduce three new features: Round Robin Assignment, “Thank You” Detection, and significant Improvements to Workflows. These features are designed to streamline your support processes, distribute workloads evenly, and enhance your team’s productivity. Read on to learn more about each of these exciting updates.

Round Robin Assignment: Balanced Workload Distribution

One of the most common challenges in customer support is ensuring that all team members have a balanced workload. With our new Round Robin Assignment feature, we’ve made it easier than ever to distribute tickets evenly across your support team.

What is Round Robin Assignment?

Round Robin Assignment is a method of ticket distribution that assigns incoming tickets to agents in a rotating manner. This ensures that each team member gets an equal number of tickets, preventing any single agent from being overwhelmed while others are underutilized.

How To Create a Round Robin Workflow in Keeping

Create a Workflow: Start by creating a new workflow in Keeping that runs when initial email is received. Choose additional conditions on which emails should be Round Robin assigned, or simply run on every email.

Keeping Round Robin Step 1

Select Round Robin Assignment: In the workflow settings, choose the Round Robin assign as the action. You have the flexibility to exclude certain agents from this assignment if needed. This can be useful if some team members are on leave or are specialized in handling specific types of tickets.

Keeping Round Robin Step 2

Save and Activate: Once your workflow is set up, save and activate it. Your tickets will now be assigned in a round-robin fashion.

    Benefits of Round Robin Assignment

    • Balanced Workload: Ensures an even distribution of work, preventing burnout and keeping morale high.
    • Increased Efficiency: With a balanced workload, agents can manage their tasks more efficiently, leading to faster response times and higher customer satisfaction.
    • Flexibility: The ability to exclude agents provides the flexibility to tailor the workflow according to your team’s needs.

    “Thank You” Detection: Focus on Actionable Tickets

    Managing a high volume of tickets often involves sifting through numerous “Thank You” messages that don’t require further action. Our new “Thank You” Detection feature aims to streamline this process by automatically identifying and handling these messages.

    What is “Thank You” Detection?

    “Thank You” Detection leverages Keeping AI to analyze customer responses and determine if a message is a simple “Thank You” that doesn’t need further attention. This helps in keeping your support queue focused on actionable items.

    How Does It Work?

    1. AI Analysis: Keeping AI scans the content of customer responses.
    2. Detection: It identifies messages that are merely expressions of gratitude and not requests for further assistance.
    3. Automatic Action: You can set up a Workflow Action to automatically close these tickets, apply a tag, or take any other specified action.

    Setting Up “Thank You” Detection

    1. Create a Workflow: Start by creating a new workflow.
    2. Add a Condition: Add a condition to detect “Thank You” messages using Keeping AI.
    3. Specify Actions: Choose the actions you want to automate, such as closing the ticket or tagging it.
    4. Activate: Save and activate your workflow.

    Benefits of “Thank You” Detection

    • Cleaner Queue: Automatically closes or tags non-actionable tickets, keeping your queue clean and focused.
    • Saves Time: Reduces the time spent on manually closing or sorting through “Thank You” messages.
    • Enhanced Productivity: Allows your team to focus on tickets that require actual support, improving overall productivity.

    Improvements to Workflows: More Control and Flexibility

    We’ve also made significant improvements to our Workflow system to give you more control and flexibility over your support processes. These updates include the addition of a “Runs When” block and new conditions to check before triggering a workflow.

    “Runs When” Block

    Keeping's new Runs When block

    The “Runs When” block provides more control over when a workflow is triggered. You can now specify:

    • Initial Ticket Creation: Run the workflow only when a new ticket is created.
    • Agent Replies: Trigger the workflow when an agent replies to a ticket.
    • Customer Replies: Activate the workflow when a customer responds.
    • All Cases: Have the workflow run in all scenarios.

    New Workflow Conditions

    To further enhance the functionality of workflows, we’ve added new conditions that can be checked before a workflow is triggered:

    • Assignment: Check the current assignment of the ticket.
    • Status: Verify the status of the ticket (e.g., open, closed, pending).
    • Priority: Assess the priority level of the ticket.
    • Tag: Look for specific tags applied to the ticket.

    Benefits of Workflow Improvements

    • Increased Control: More granular control over when workflows are triggered, allowing for more precise automation.
    • Flexibility: The new conditions provide greater flexibility in creating workflows that match your support processes.
    • Efficiency: Improved workflows lead to more efficient ticket handling, reducing manual effort and speeding up response times.
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    Looking Ahead

    We’re committed to continuously improving Keeping and providing you with the best tools to manage your customer support. In the coming months, we’re excited to introduce more features, including Lite accounts and enhanced control over agent availability.

    Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us. We read and respond to every message!

    Cody Duval

    Cody is the Founder and CEO of Keeping. He's a self-professed nerd about processes and operations and loves helping others grow and build their businesses.

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