How to End an Email to a Customer

How to End an Email to a Customer

The ideal email ending makes a good impression on the recipient, inspires action, and gives the recipient your contact information. So you must know how to write one. This article will be your guide to writing the perfect email ending!


Last updated: December 26, 2022

8 mins read

If you’re ending an email to a friend, you could pretty much write anything. But you cannot do that when you’re ending an email to a customer. So, do you keep it short? Do you include as much information as possible? Or do you rely on your customer to come back with any more questions?

We get it. There are too many questions about email ending. While there’s no one size fits all solution, you could write different email endings depending on the context of the conversation. And that’s precisely what we are helping you with today. 

In this article, you’ll find:

  • What to include at the end of your email
  • Email endings for six situations
  • Other tips for email endings

Ready to get started? Let’s begin!

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What to include at the end of your email

Striking the right balance of that perfect email ending means you must include a few elements. Here is everything you should include at the end of your email to your customers. 

A sign off line

You cannot end emails to your customers abruptly. The last line of your email is as important as the first line. Most people prefer to close their emails with a simple “Thank you”. It looks professional and polite, and you must include it, but don’t restrict yourself to just that. 

Instead, add a creative or funny call to action before adding the gratitude phrase. A good CTA will motivate your customer to take action. 

Some good examples include:

  • I hope we have resolved your issue. I look forward to your feedback.
  • I appreciate your interest in our product. Here’s a link to purchase the product.

Email signature

An email signature builds credibility and makes a good impression on your customer. For a simple email signature, include your company’s logo and address. You can even choose to add information about your position in the company.

You can even add social media links of your brand with the company website. Alternatively, if you are a marketing or sales manager, you can add your contact details too. 

These are the essential elements of an email signature, but depending on your position, you can add a photo and links to your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. 

For example, the above email signature contains a headshot of the agent, the company website and email. It’s simple yet conveys that the customer is indeed talking to a human representative from a legitimate company.

Add your full name

After an email sign-off phrase, always add your full name to sound more professional. Avoid adding nicknames or just the first name if you want your customers to take you seriously. First names make a casual impression, while using your full name will ensure you look more competent. 

Next steps

Depending on the context of the email, there will always be some next steps your customer can take. If you have resolved the query, you could send your customer a feedback form as the next (and final) step. 

In case a prospect emails asking about a product, you can attach links to product guide articles or videos at the end of the email. Whatever the context, maybe make sure you let your customer know what the next steps will be. 

How to end an email to a customer: 6 situations

We’ve talked about the important component of customer email endings, now we’ll be moving towards six ways you can end your customer emails depending on the type of conversation you’re having with the customer. Let’s start!

Email closing lines

Before you go in depth, let’s cover the basics. Sometimes you need not write an elaborate email ending because email closing lines can do the job very well. Here are some examples of email closing lines you can use the next time you’re writing customer emails:

  • Thank you for your patience with us.
  • For further assistance, please visit this link.
  • If you’re satisfied with our help, please submit a feedback here.
  • Happy to help you with any other questions you may have.
  • If this does not help, I would love to get on a call to explain things better.
  • Please feel free to reach out to us in case of further questions.

Cold Pitching Sales 

When you’re cold pitching your future customers, the ending is your call to action. If ended well, you’ll be able to close the customer. Here’s how to end a cold pitching sales email.

  • If you want to know more about our company offerings, feel free to book a time in my calendar- (Link). I look forward to hearing from you. 
  • Do you have 10 minutes to hear how we can help you reach your (specific goals)? If so, what is a convenient time for you?
  • Are you available for a 5-10 minute call on (add date and time) or let me know which time works best for you?
  • I would love to know what you think about this and explore how our (solution/tool/product) can help your company achieve (specific goal). Let me know a suitable time to discuss this.

Sales follow-up

Following up is an important part of the cold-email strategy. Here are some interesting email ending lines for sales follow-up with your customer.

  • If you are the appropriate person to talk to about this, let’s fix a meeting time and date. If not, please point us in the right direction. We’d appreciate that! 
  • Have you thought about my proposal? I would love to review over a call and answer any further questions you have. What time is suitable for you? 
  • Please let me know when you can go through this information, and we can connect on a call. 
  • I would love 10 minutes of your time to take you through the (product/tool/solution). What does your calendar look like?

Bonus Tip: You can attach case studies of how you’ve solved a similar problem with another customer. In this way, you’re following up with your prospect while also showing proof of your expertise.

After the first purchase of the customer

When your customer has made their first purchase with you and started their customer journey, you must send them a warm welcome email. Here is how you can end the welcome emails.

  • Thank you for shopping with us. If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to reach out. We will do everything in our capacity to ensure that you love your experience with us.
  • If you want to understand more about our (product/tool/solution), feel free to reach out to me or anyone else in our support team. We will be happy to help. 
  • We would like to know what you think about our (product/tool/solution) and if there is anything we can do to improve it. We always love hearing from our customers. 
  • If you ever need assistance, want to give suggestions or just say hello, feel free to reach out to us. 
  • Welcome to [your community name]! We’re happy to see you on this side of things. For smooth onboarding, follow these steps. (Enlist the next steps for your new customer here) 

When you’re emailing your customer for the first time make sure you’re making them feel comfortable and reassured that they’ve made the right decision by purchasing your product. In this way, the customer gets a good feeling about your brand.

Customer service apology email

Apology emails to a customer are crucial because in most cases your customer is frustrated or angry. To control as much damage as you can you must end apology emails properly. Here are the examples of how you can end a customer service apology email.

  • We at [your company name] are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. I hope [solution provided] works and you’re able to continue doing business with us.
  • We want to thank you once more for your patience and for alerting us to the problem. We’re going to give you [information about your offer] as an additional apology in the interim. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if there are any other concerns.
  • I appreciate your tolerance and understanding. Rest assured that we are making every effort to prevent this from happening again. Please let me know if you have any other questions or run into any other problems; I’ll be pleased to assist.
  • Please accept our apologies one more time. We truly appreciate your patience in this situation. I’m only an email away, so feel free to contact me with any queries you may have.

Other customer service emails

  • I will have to speak to my product team to help you solve your query. I will get back to you in [specified time period]. Meanwhile, please feel free to ask any other questions. 
  • If satisfied with our service, please leave a (Facebook/Google) review, as your insights could help our potential customers. 
  • If there is any other help that you need from us, please don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Please let us know if we can resolve your issue. We hope the (app/tool) is now working correctly. If not, we are happy to help you. 

Other tips for ending customer emails

Here are other things you must keep in mind when you’re ending your customer service emails. 

Keep the kind of relationship you have in mind

Customer emails do not always have to be formal. You can switch things up depending on the type of relationship you have with your customers. When you’re sending a cold pitch to a future customer, you could keep the ending short and simple. 

Whereas if you’re talking to a regular customer, you could be more informal with them. If your budget allows, you could also offer discounts at the end of emails for customers who spend a lot with your company. Nonetheless, don’t get too cozy with your customers—no matter what the relationship!

Personalize email endings

You usually start your email by personalizing it with your customer’s first name. So, why not personalize the ending too? 

Reports suggest brands with personalized emails have 27% higher click-through rates than those that don’t. 

Some ways to personalize your endings are:

  • Have a great (afternoon/evening/morning)
  • Have a splendid week (if sending it on Monday or Tuesday)
  • I hope you have a relaxing weekend (if sending it on Friday)
  • I hope you are more relaxed now! (if you solved a query)

A personalized closing line is the best ways to end an email. In some cases, you can even include their first name. Also, consider your end goal, relationship with the recipient and previous email communication while drafting personalized email closing lines.

Think about the visuals of your email signature

Once you have decided what to add to your email signature, think about how it will look on your recipient’s screen. The size should be appropriate for the desktop, tablets and mobile screens.  Also, one of the best ways to sign off an email is to use a signature template so that all the employees have a uniform signature with the same style and fonts. It will add to the cohesiveness of the brand. 

Avoid sticking to the same sign-off in every email

As a brand, numerous emails are exchanged between your customers and you. Try to spice it up while sending email campaigns about offers and new product launches. 

You can stick to the professional tone while ending emails about customer complaints or queries, but always sending the exact sign-off phrase will look very monotonous. Also, adding such fun terms whenever possible will help you establish a connection with your recipient. 

Whenever there is room for experimentation, you can play around with your customer email endings.

Summarize at the end

In case the customer email was too long, you must include a summary section. 

Here is an example of how to use this advice: “We appreciate you getting in touch with customer care at [business name]. We’ve handled the refund for the defective item you have received. Within two to three business days, the refund might reflect into your account. I want to close the chat by asking if there is anything else I can do for you.

When you summarize, the customer can then go over what was said by both parties, rethink any decisions they may have made, or ask further questions if there is anything they still don’t understand.

Proofread everything

It’s natural to pay less attention to small things like email closing lines and signatures. However, these small things might contain typos and errors that have the potential to hamper your impression in front of the customers. 

If the customer sees errors, they might feel that you don’t put enough effort into creating and drafting emails. They might also expect you to be less dedicated or detail-oriented as a brand. In order to avoid that, you should always proofread your entire email till the end.

Sometimes when customer representatives are using their mobile phones to respond, closing lines like “sent from my iPhone” can be seen. This saves you from the embarrassment of typos because the other person gets to know that the representative was on their phone.

A/B test your email closing lines

You might not get the hang of writing email sign-offs in the first go, but experimenting with them will help you understand what is working with your customers. You can get creative and test options like formal sign-offs vs casual sign-offs or shorter closings compared to more extended endings, and so on. 

Parting thoughts

These are some of the ways to sign off an email. The idea is to connect with the customers and make them feel special. Email closing lines are an opportunity for every brand to convince customers to take action in their favor. Getting creative with email signature, call to action, closing lines and sign-offs will help you to deliver successful results. 


Sanjana Sankhyan is a freelance writer who specializes in delivering data-driven blog posts for B2B SaaS brands. She helps businesses attract more audience and sales with her writing. If not writing, you’ll find her helping other freelancers improve their work. Find her on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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